January’s Dark Moon offering

January's dark moon offering was inspired by Badb and the Washer at the Ford. I tried to keep it simple, having some fun with the water and the grass, though the main focus is the blood from the garments washed. Someday I think I'd like to redo this one, once I learn how to capture... Continue Reading →

December’s Dark Moon

I realized I hadn't posted any of the dark moon pieces between November and February. I could've sworn I did! So December's piece was simple- a dark feather on green grass. Entitled Omen, I was thinking of the Morrgian's peace poem- specifically the line Earth below Sky, and during my meditations, I saw this feather.... Continue Reading →

Dark Moon February

I completely forgot to update for February's dark moon- I've been super busy and I swear, the dark moon just crept up on me. My kids were also home that week for vacation and I lose any sense of time during kid vacations. In preparation for Morrigan's Call retreat, I was helping plan the activities... Continue Reading →


Things have been quiet. I've been working on writing, though the back of my mind has been listening and waiting. I've begun my next dark moon piece to Herself and it's a challenge. She gave me a clear vision of what it should be, but I'm not so sure I have the skill to do... Continue Reading →

2019 Me

I've been quiet lately as I work on developing myself. I was super busy with life in December, and I'm super busy now, although the former was busy for everyone else, and the latter is for myself. I've decided that 2019 will be another powerful year for me, as I work to create the life... Continue Reading →

A New Tattoo!

I'm going to get a bit personal here. I've been wanting a tattoo for a long time. I've wanted it to be something symbolize not only my life, but also my spiritual life. Since the Morrigan entered my life, I've wanted it even more. I've had an idea on what I wanted for a long... Continue Reading →


When you are told to make a sacrifice to your Goddess (or your Gods), what is the first thing that comes to mind? It's probably, if you are raised in an Abrahamic religion, involves blood and death, perhaps a living animal. There's a negative connotation, I think, that most people associate with that word. I... Continue Reading →

Inked Goddess Creations: A review

Because I wasn't prepared, or knowledgeable about herbs and incense, I decided that I would purchase a kit, as well as an incense burner from Inked Goddess Creations.  She offered a Samhain Blessings kit that felt right for me, and was within my budget, which is quite little at the moment. First, service was great. ... Continue Reading →

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